Friday, 4 January 2013

Happy New Year, or, Another Piece of Cake

Resolution time again. I don't do well with remembering to do better, so if a resolution doesn't improve my attitude to life, I don't want to know about it.
I entered this new phase of resolutions about 5 years ago, when I made the earth-shattering resolution to: NEVER SAY NO TO A PIECE OF CAKE. For a whole year, every time I ate a piece of cake, I got a warm glow of keeping a resolution. I could even afford to eat only a small piece because I knew that I was allowed, even encouraged, to have a piece of the next cake. That year gave me a whole new feeling of freedom.
Since then, I occasionally turn down an offered piece of cake, but I don't feel guilty for eating one. So now, if I make a resolution, I make one to improve my sense of well-being rather than to control my physical self.
So, I wasn't planning on anything this year, then I was given a resolution at church: Galations 6:9.Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
I know I have mentioned the Girls' Club previously, I continue to struggle there. The people I most expected to be supporting, helpful and encouraging have ranged from as helpful as a small breeze in a tornado to downright negative. I have found surprising support from un-expected places and great support where I expected only mild encouragement.
Well, I have this resolution now, and I have done the round of e-mails again, asking for support.
I'm also using this to remind myself to do the next right thing, everyday, whether the world around me participates or not. I would like to pledge to speak out against wrong when I see it, but I know how hard it is! At least I will not be a part of it and I hope to encourage others to turn away from hatred, bullying, tribalism, and general wrong-ness.

Next note will be of my latest creation, I promise.

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