Friday 23 March 2012

Today's Girls' Club:
We had a nice size group, 12 girls. It's actually my favorite size for a group.One of the older girls visited my daughter yesterday and got involved in my pre-meeting preparation which means I had an extra helper, too. We cut long strips from plastic grocery bags, folded in fourths, did an overhand knot to form a small loop, and then used macrame knots to make a bracelet. I threaded a bead through the end and did another overhand knot to secure it. The bead through the loop formed the clasp and we each had a bracelet! Problems: The knotting was a bit erratic and the plastic broke where the cutting was uneven. Answer: Unevenness and missed knots added texture and charm and we simply tied a new piece in when one broke. One of the mistakes was actually quite nice and I will add it to my knotting list!

We got 4 original new silly songs, one with nice lyrics to challenge the boys to form a club. When we brainstormed activities today, one of the suggestions was a show. I would love to use their own songs in a small skit.

I mentioned pre-meeting prep. We tried making paper beads to see how that would go for a craft. It looks so simple. It takes such simple materials. the finished product looks so beautiful. NOT FOR US. Next time I try narrower strips and using a ruler to cut.

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